Covid-19 Store Policy


Update during the Covid-19 Outbreak

We would like to say thank you to all our customers during this unusual time. Thank you for supporting us over the last two years with continuing to order soap refills and those who have made orders using our new online store.
The store is now open for you to browse and get your much needed comfortable eco-friendly clothing, household soap refills, local body care and any gifts you might need.

During this time Ecotopia will be following these personal safety measures until further notice.

How are we keeping you and our staff safe

• We are not limiting the amount of people in the store at the moment, but will use or discretion when it gets too crowded.
• Please keep 2m(6ft) distance away from staff and other customers wearing masks.
• We offer touch-less tap payment.
• Disinfecting pay terminal, counters, change-rooms and all other surfaces after use and throughout the day.
• Staff will wash hands or use hand sanitizer between servicing each customer.
• Hand sanitizer is available for customers at entry and we encourage each customer to us it.
• Wearing a face mask is by personal choice at the moment and please respect any customer or staff member who chooses to wear one. We also sell them.
• Please do not enter the store if feeling sick in anyway.
• We offer online/phone ordering plus curbside pickup or home delivery so customers can shop and not feel like they have to come into the store.

Soap Refills

All empty containers will be left on the table at the front of the store. Full bottles will be returned to the table at the front of the store.

Thank you,
Lisa & Martin Pedersen – Owners Ecotopia Naturals



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